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Updated: Nov 1, 2021

It is with both a heavy heart and a relieved heart that I announce that I will be closing my social media account very soon. For me, 2022 will be a year for maturing in the real world, real life, face to face with other humans. Embrace reality.

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Thinking back to years ago when I was not aware of how sensitive animals are. I was ignorant. I did not have a mean spirit, I was just unaware.

So now I do my very best to help others and their animals to understand and care about each other. At least I try to make sure the products I sell are helping and not hurting. I'm not prejudice about other brands or materials unless they are not taking the animal into consideration.

I'm not afraid to customize anything- clothes, saddles, saddle pads, work areas, tools, food, my home, etc... so I do.

My intention is to make my horse as comfortable as possible. If it is within my ability to help her to be comfortable, at least not in pain, I will do it. A few weeks ago I purchased a 1" thick foam pad to try under my bareback pad. The first test ride- she seemed very comfortable. The next test rides, same! She was happy, looking forward, no panicking, no rushing, thoughtful, no tripping and lots of lovely gaiting. I knew it was not a coincidence. It is good. Now to find this foam rubber so I can make the pads to fit my products and offer this pad on my website. :)

Never stop growing. Never stop trying. Never quit- until perfected.

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This is a sport style with our contoured seat padding for hip relief. The seat is black suede and the lower is a custom order leather called Silver Metallic Cloud on Black. This bareback pad has an extra high wither relief and our stirrup package. The billets are our standard install. I've worked very hard to get the billet location dialed in and this fits most horses. There are some who need the front billet an inch more forward in which case you can order the 3 D ring billet system which you can read about on our website. This return customer sent me her own shearling to prep for her to cut to her own specifications. The stirrup strap guards are covered with her custom leather as well.

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