Sweet scents of autumn ride the gentle currents of air moving through the forest trails. The only thing better than the scent of autumn is the scent of a horse. Put the two together on a trail dappled by sunshine and you can't help but feel like everything is good. If you don't have a horse, walking or bicycling will do just fine. Go out and enjoy the season.
A cup or two of coffee with my husband, an intimate conversation with my Father in heaven then off to my sewing room. A few more weeks of sewing then off till spring. I will be taking my drawing pencils and writing pad with me in the camper. Maybe a crochet hook and some yarn as well.
Give thanks for everything always. Love others in deed. What will today hold? I am preparing my heart and mind to be good to others, ready to help and ready to share- especially to share your Word to those who are in need. We all need You Father. We need Your Word to live. Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.
Time to leave the quietness of the keyboard and go "do" life. I pray for blessings for you today. I pray that God brings about things in my life and your life that help us to know and grow to be more like Him. But above all else that we love Him by loving others today.
Now when things go good or awry, stop, drop and pray. Never forget to do this. My natural tendency is to RUN RUN RUN! But when I do that, it just feeds the fire. STOP, drop and pray. This is the most effective way to put out the fire.